recipe share: black bean & mango tostadas

black bean & mango tostadas

Check out this amazing recipe I discovered in a recent issue of AllYou magazine—black bean and mango tostadas. Inexpensive, fast, healthy, and delicious…what more could you want in a meal? When JB and I make it, sometimes we substitute pineapple for the mango, and last time we doubled the black beans and turned it into four burritos (lunch leftovers!). Whatever works for you! But trust me, you want to try this. It’s awesome.

via myrecipes



Anonymous said...

I want to testify that this recipe is deee-licious! Thanks for sharing with me a couple weeks ago Misty! Reminds me that I need to make it again.

Misty Bourne said...


You are so welcome--glad to share! :)