It’s time for a mass update about my 27 before 27 list. I’ve completed 5 more things since my last post about it. Now that the weather’s getting warmer around here I should be able to tackle some of the outdoor stuff soon. In the meantime, here are the newest items I’ve crossed off the list:
#4 – start a garden (03/19/11)
I planted some herbs today. Jonathan and I were hoping to have a full-out vegetable garden this year but the time’s not quite right yet. Instead, I’ve planted some basil, chives, lavender, and rosemary in a small plot next to our garage. I’ve never planted any herbs before so I’m hoping they’ll turn out.
#8 – read a classic novel (01/30/11)
Since I have an English degree, I’m kind of ashamed that it wasn’t until this year that I finally read Fahrenheit 451. It was, however, worth the wait. I really enjoyed it!
#10 – meet a neighbor (03/19/11)
I met our neighbor today. Well, it’s kind of a shame, really—he’s not technically our neighbor. He’s renovating the house next door in order to sell it, so unfortunately he won’t be around for long. But he’s a nice guy anyway—Dale. No pictures though (thought that might be kind of awkward :P).
#15 – update my resume (01/16/11)
Finally got around to doing this back in January. I’m not in the market for a new job or anything, I just hadn’t updated my resume in about three years, so it was past time. It feels really good to have this crossed off the list.
#17 – buy some red high heels (03/05/11)
This is definitely my favorite update. I searched long and hard for these babies. The requirements were that the shoes 1) be high heels, 2) be red, 3) be sexy, and 4) make me feel gorgeous. They definitely succeed at all that.
Hope to have another update in another month or so with more stuff crossed off the list! :)