Sunday Resolutions Update

For this week’s resolution update, I’m going to rate myself on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 meaning I completely failed at meeting my goal this past week, and 10 meaning there is nothing I could’ve done better to meet my goal. I’ll just straight up say…I did not do well this week.

1) I will write more. 8 – I was consistent with my blogging and journaling.

2) I will read more. 8 – I read quite a bit this week, mostly my magazines.

3) I will honor the Sabbath. 7 – Despite having company over this weekend, I managed to do most of my chores on Saturday and rested most of the day today.

4) I will find a home church. 5 – I didn’t go to church this morning, but I did do some research to find a few more new churches to try in the coming weeks.

5) I will take better care of my body. 5 – I couldn’t get into working out this week. Really, there’s no excuse.

6) I will be more loving. 5 – I had an extremely frustrating week at work, and it’s during those stressful times that I get more caught up in myself and my own needs than I should. I need to be better at focusing on others.

Not a stellar week, but again, there’s always tomorrow.

“Doing your best means never stop trying.”